The Dancing Trinity

Happy Summer! I wanted to share that a couple weeks ago was Trinity Sunday, At my parish, Dcn. Steve Wodzanowski With Steve’s invitation, this was the perfect opportunity to bring Trinity to life in a joyous embodied way. I was able to invite two of my dancing friends from our Thea Bowman production to be part of a dancing trio with me. At Abbey of the Arts we have just completed the launch of our new Prayer Cycle!

Click the title to read more and watch the dance video.

Dancing Into New Dreams

Happy Easter season! I hope you are enjoying the flowering of Spring and the gifts of resurrection in your life. I have so much to share! Mostly I want to say that we did it! We completed our Thea Bowman play – I Will Live Until I Die, written by ValLimar Jansen and performed by a cast of 50 folks here in Seattle! We also launched the video podcasts for the Soul of a Pilgrim Prayer Cycle at Abbey of the Arts, led the Awakening the Spirit retreat with Kayce Hughlett, had an article on movement in spiritual direction published, and celebrated a 50 year reunion of cast members for Cyrano de Bergerac.

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Dancing with a Prophetic Voice

Blessings of Lent to you! And blessings of Black History Month too! I’m offering a quick note to you to invite you to two events celebrating the life of Sr. Thea Bowman: a retreat with Abbey of the Arts, and a Live Musical performance my beloved friend, ValLimar Jansen, a dynamic playwright, storyteller and amazing singer. We are bringing parishes, Gospel choirs, dancers and actors together to create this beauty in Seattle!

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Dancing with the Dawning Light

Happy New Year! And happy 9th Day of Christmas! As we move towards the feast of Epiphany I love this magical time of light birthed in the darkness, when life slows down and we pause to we enter the new year, reflecting on all that was, and all that is to come.

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Birthing the Holy

As we move towards Advent, I am grateful and excited to share with you my latest creation! As you may remember, last year, we at Abbey of the Arts published a beautiful book and CD entitled Birthing the Holy, exploring Mary in her many different facets. Now I have finally put the finishing touch on the Video Dance Collection to accompany these offerings! (See details below.) Join us for a release party on November 30th!

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