Blessings of Lent to you! And blessings of Black History Month too! I’m sending out a quick note to you to invite you to two events celebrating the life of Sr. Thea Bowman, an amazing woman of faith and prophetic voice! She is one of six African Americans who are on the journey to sainthood in the Catholic Church. And to bring Thea Bowman to life, I introduce to you my beloved friend, ValLimar Jansen, a dynamic playwright, storyteller and amazing singer.
When Spirit taps you on the shoulder with an inspiration, you sometimes just go for it! That’s what happened for me in bringing ValLimar to Seattle with the musical she wrote on Thea Bowman. I have never taken on the role of producer for such a sizable project! How amazing to be bringing parishes, Gospel choirs, dancers and actors together to create this beauty. Not only that, we are staging the play in our former church, St. Patrick’s, which was closed over a year ago, and new life is being born in our beloved sanctuary!
There are two offerings below … one online and one in Seattle! Please read below and join us in body or spirit for our upcoming adventures!
Abbey of the Arts Retreat on Thea Bowman

Friday February 23rd | 8-10am Pacific | 11-1 Eastern
Online offering!
ValLimar Jansen will be guiding us in this engaging, participatory mini-retreat for Abbey of the Arts. You don’t have to leave home to be infused with a bit of Thea Bowman’s joyous & prayerful inspiration.
Thea Bowman Musical!

March 1-2 Seattle
ValLimar Jansen, is not only a gifted singer, but also a playwright with a call to create community through the arts. She has written this musical about Thea Bowman, and with the help of various communities, we are bringing this show in Seattle!
In the play, we follow Thea’s journey from Canton, Mississippi, to the all-white community of La Crosse, Wisconsin,
where she became a nun and eventually a world-renowned pioneer of intercultural awareness, unity and acceptance.
Near the end of Sr. Thea’s life, she addressed the Conference of American Bishops and delivered a stirring message, including moving all the Bishops to join in singing and swaying with her. Some say it was her first miracle!
ValLimar plays Sr. Thea, and the musical includes 14 beloved Spirituals, four classic Gregorian Chants, with a talented cast bringing to life the story of Sr. Thea.
And of course, I’ll be dancing!
Hope you can join us!
Listen to a radio interview with ValLimar & me about our show!
In Closing
Here am I telling the story to spread the news for our upcoming show. Catch a glimpse of some of the beauty! And please keep us in your prayer. May we walk with Sr. Thea into a world of beauty, courage, cultural diversity and dancing the way of peace.
Betsey Beckman, MM