Dancing for Peace

Blessings of October and the Feast Day of St. Teresa of Avila! (October 15th.) Summer days are behind us, and now that we have entered fall, there is so much to grapple with in our world. So much heartbreak, so much need for hope. Having traveled to Israel and Palestine in the past few years, my heart goes out to all those who are suffering trauma and the devastating effects of violence.

We live our small lives, and at the same time, we are called to be part of our big world, and to dedicate our lives to the path of peace. Sometimes, we fail miserably! And yet, as people of faith, we come back to our practices that cultivate peace, and lead us to actions of solidarity that foster peace in our world. Dancing and song are our ancient practices of prayer.

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Dancing with Peter Pan

Aaargh and shiver me timbers! It’s been a whole summer since I’ve written to you! And during this season you can see that I had a powerful encounter with Captain Hook! As you may remember, it is part of my family tradition to create video productions with my grandnieces/nephews during our summer stay in Michigan together. This year brought forth the story of Peter Pan! What an amazing adventure to enter this story with 7 of my family little ones from 3-13 years old. Not only that, but seven of our adults also jumped in as pirates, plus a brother as videographer and sister as co-director. Woohoo!

I hope you, too, have had a chance to enter some revelry in the sweet gifts of summer! Please take a look at some of the adventures I have planned for the coming year … it would be so good to share some dancing time with you!

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Embodying Easter!

Happy Easter! I hope you are finding signs of new life sprouting in your soul’s garden! I must say that the journey to this Easter has been a bit challenging for our St. Patrick’s community after undergoing a death of sorts to leave our own church behind. And yet, new seeds of beauty are coming to life in our St. Joseph community. I had the joy of collaborating with a wonderful artist and new friend at St. Joe’s (Eloisa Cardona) to proclaim the Genesis reading at Easter Vigil. Because I was so used to having a dozen or so St. Pat’s members dance this reading with me, I devised a surprise way to include them in our new St. Joe’s version of the story, which was such a delight!

Dancing with the Black Madonna

As I open to Mary’s archetypal presence in the form of the Black Madonna, I have discovered she has so many invitations for me to step out of my comfy corner of a white world and to collaborate with various black artists and friends. Not just step out, but dance out whole-heartedly indeed! So the first piece I’d like to share is a stirring new video we have come up with to celebrate the Black Madonna … a song and dance written and performed by my beloved sister-friend, Soyinka Rahim.

Dancing with Mary Into New Birth

Blessings of this holy season of Advent! I hope you were able to celebrate Thanksgiving with some of your beloveds. Seems like we are called to find ways to creatively adapt as we emerge from our COVID cocoons! I have been in adapting mode as I learn to bridge communities in my new parish at St. Joseph Church. I have begun working with the children, and their hearts are so dear! Movement is already a natural language for them, so it’s great fun to help channel that innate connection into new expressions of American Sign Language and Gospel dramas for the Advent and Christmas Season.