Dancing Into New Dreams

Happy Easter season! I hope you are enjoying the flowering of Spring and the gifts of resurrection in your life. I have so much to share! Mostly I want to say that we did it! We completed our Thea Bowman play – I Will Live Until I Die, written by ValLimar Jansen and performed by a cast of 50 folks here in Seattle! We also launched the video podcasts for the Soul of a Pilgrim Prayer Cycle at Abbey of the Arts, led the Awakening the Spirit retreat with Kayce Hughlett, had an article on movement in spiritual direction published, and celebrated a 50 year reunion of cast members for Cyrano de Bergerac.

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Dancing with a Prophetic Voice

Blessings of Lent to you! And blessings of Black History Month too! I’m offering a quick note to you to invite you to two events celebrating the life of Sr. Thea Bowman: a retreat with Abbey of the Arts, and a Live Musical performance my beloved friend, ValLimar Jansen, a dynamic playwright, storyteller and amazing singer. We are bringing parishes, Gospel choirs, dancers and actors together to create this beauty in Seattle!

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Dancing with the Black Madonna

As I open to Mary’s archetypal presence in the form of the Black Madonna, I have discovered she has so many invitations for me to step out of my comfy corner of a white world and to collaborate with various black artists and friends. Not just step out, but dance out whole-heartedly indeed! So the first piece I’d like to share is a stirring new video we have come up with to celebrate the Black Madonna … a song and dance written and performed by my beloved sister-friend, Soyinka Rahim.

Dancing at the Threshold

It is indeed a time of threshold. With the turning of the seasons, on August 28th, we held our last Mass at our beloved St. Patrick Church in Seattle. Such beauty and depth we have shared through for 105 years, and now our doors have come to a close. In the midst of heartbreak, we are in awe of the heart-felt and conscientious process we have been through to honor our history and dance into new birthings.

Dancing with Angels

When is the last time you were visited by an angel? Angels come in many forms and expressions! Last year at this time I was lamenting that our son was departing Seattle and moving to Idaho. Heartbreak! Now, one year later, I’ve had a chance to visit our son on his 10 acres off-grid mountain property and taste the special beauty of Sandpoint, ID. With the help of angelic wings, I was able to do some filming on Chaz’s beautiful land and at nearby Lake Pend Oreille and to invite another young friend of mine (Duncan Menzies) to dance with me an Invocation of the Archangels. The sacred wings were blessing us in this new birthing!