When is the last time you were visited by an angel? Angels come in many forms and expressions! Last year at this time I was lamenting that our son was departing Seattle and moving to Idaho. Heartbreak! Now, one year later, I’ve had a chance to visit our son on his 10 acres off-grid mountain property and taste the special beauty of Sandpoint, ID. With the help of angelic wings, I was able to do some filming on Chaz’s beautiful land and at nearby Lake Pend Oreille and to invite another young friend of mine (Duncan Menzies) to dance with me an Invocation of the Archangels. The sacred wings were blessing us in this new birthing!
Meanwhile, this summer, while visiting my husband’s family in Detroit, my nephew, Jacob Bommarito offered to film a new piece for us based on the angel Gabriel’s appearance to Mary. My young niece, Bella Bommarito, got to sit in as Mary, and this time, I got to dance the angel. This video and song anticipates our forthcoming album on Mary that will be birthed in 2022. Angels abound!
As we move towards the holidays, our world cries out for angels to help us navigate new challenges around our globe and tend together this place we call home. May you find wings wrapping round you in your holidays ahead, and find your own call to be angels for one another. The age-old theological question was: how many angels can dance on the head of a pin? Let’s invite them all to dance with us!
Many times in this blog I share with you my ministry at St. Patrick Catholic Church in Seattle. It’s been my home base for the past 30 years, and I am so grateful for our creative journey of faith together! I have mentioned that we have been given word from the Archbishop that it is time for our parish to close and we are invited to merge with a nearby parish. It is a time of great upheaval for us as we seek ways to creatively respond to this directive. In the meantime, we continue to pray and dance. Here is a beautiful offering from our Feast of St. Francis celebration with my friend, Lorraine Bayes, and her beautiful feather wings. May you, too, be surrounded with such blessings and walk in beauty!
With love,
Betsey Beckman, MM