Dancing Into New Dreams

Happy Easter season! I hope you are enjoying the flowering of Spring and the gifts of resurrection in your life. I have so much to share! Mostly I want to say that we did it! We completed our Thea Bowman play – I Will Live Until I Die, written by ValLimar Jansen and performed by a cast of 50 folks here in Seattle! We also launched the video podcasts for the Soul of a Pilgrim Prayer Cycle at Abbey of the Arts, led the Awakening the Spirit retreat with Kayce Hughlett, had an article on movement in spiritual direction published, and celebrated a 50 year reunion of cast members for Cyrano de Bergerac.

Click the title to read more.

Embodying Easter!

Happy Easter! I hope you are finding signs of new life sprouting in your soul’s garden! I must say that the journey to this Easter has been a bit challenging for our St. Patrick’s community after undergoing a death of sorts to leave our own church behind. And yet, new seeds of beauty are coming to life in our St. Joseph community. I had the joy of collaborating with a wonderful artist and new friend at St. Joe’s (Eloisa Cardona) to proclaim the Genesis reading at Easter Vigil. Because I was so used to having a dozen or so St. Pat’s members dance this reading with me, I devised a surprise way to include them in our new St. Joe’s version of the story, which was such a delight!

Dancing into New Life

Happy Easter! New life seems to be springing up all over! I am so grateful that we got to be back in church celebrating the season in full style at our dear St. Patrick’s Parish. All the joy that you see pictured in our Easter photo is also bittersweet, as it is almost certain that this is our last Easter together at St. Pat’s, and our parish is scheduled to be closed in the next few months. We are heartbroken that the Archdiocese is (so far) not willing to consider creative options in how a parish is run as the numbers of priests are diminishing. Sigh! Our parish is so dedicated to the creative vision of Vatican II, but the church takes a LONG time to live into emergent visions! 

Dancing with Mary Magdalene

Greetings! Here in Seattle, the Easter season continues with many of us sequestered in our homes, while a gorgeous array of nature’s most exquisite flowers display their finery and beckon us outdoors. In truth, it takes a bit of courage and creativity to live into the bright colors of resurrection right now, wouldn’t you say? …

Dancing From Home to the World

Greetings! Blessings of Easter to you! What a strange time this is … so much change in our daily routines, and a call to connect our hearts with everyone around the globe in both strength and vulnerability. We might remember a wonderful quote by poet Alice Walker – “Hard times require furious dancing.” Furious or flowing, in …