Here in Seattle, the Easter season continues with many of us sequestered in our homes, while a gorgeous array of nature’s most exquisite flowers display their finery and beckon us outdoors. In truth, it takes a bit of courage and creativity to live into the bright colors of resurrection right now, wouldn’t you say? Which brings me to Mary Magdalene . Meeting Jesus in the garden was clearly a soul-shaking, astounding and an utterly transformational pivotal moment in her being! And yet, to live into her new reality of resurrection clearly required processing the trauma of what she had witnessed and lost, as well as taking up her “new assignment.” All of this must have taken more than the 50 days of Easter!
So it seems Mary Magdalene is a perfect guide for us as we negotiate new roles and callings in our lives right now. I would like to invite you to attend an online retreat this coming Saturday, May 16th at St. Placid Priory Retreat Center. Register here. With the help of video, reflection and guided movement meditation explore your own call to encounter the living Christ and carry his message to the world. I filmed this storydance video and movement workshop in 2008, and while we are finding new ways to play and pray at home, this seems the perfect time to re-encounter this material together online. Join us!
Sneak a peek at the video below!
The season of Easter continues to call us to find life within our challenges. I’d like to share a piece that I created from home for our Easter Vigil celebration – Come to the Water. May we find our way to the pool of grace to carry us through to our “new assignments.”
Stay healthy. Sending prayers for all of you needing extra graces in this season.
Blessings and love!
Betsey Beckman, MM