Blessings of summer! I hope you are having a refreshing and restorative season!
I mentioned in my last missive that I was heading on pilgrimage to the magical island of Bali (in Indonesia.) What an amazing adventure in dance, spirit, and artistry! How blessed that my friend, Agnotti Cowie organized this immersion trip through InterPlay so we could create our own beauty as well as join in the dance, music, mask-making, & shadow puppetry of Bali.
After 45 years passing since I wrote my senior thesis on the Dance in Bali, it was such a gift to come full circle and experience a culture where artistry is sacred and passed down through the generations. Although one can see that this tradition is being invaded by western ways & iPhones galore, still the gifts of the ancient prevail, and the beauty of daily practice coaxes one into a sense of open-hearted awe and gratitude.
Much is changing in our world today, and the political landscape in the US has opened some new doors, for which I am very grateful! Let us continue to foster our own practices that bring us a sense of openness, awe & gratitude, as well as caring for those on the margins. Truly, every time we touch our feet on the ground, we are walking/dancing on holy ground!
I made a narrated video of my Balinese adventures so you can enter the magic of dancing in Bali with me!
Interview in Jesuit Magazine: Jivan
I’m so grateful to Fr. Prashant Olalekar, SJ, my dear InterPlaying friend from India who kindly interviewed me for this latest Jesuit publication. You can see a glimpse below, or click here (and scroll to page 11) to read the whole article!
The Soul of a Pilgrim Prayer Cycle
Here’s a reminder that at Abbey of the Arts we have recently launched our new Prayer Cycle about the practice of pilgrimage. Pray with a whole host of prayer/dance videos & daily meditations for free – woohoo! Such a blessing to share.
To partake of our morning & evening prayers, click here.
In Closing
For my friends who are musicians, I thought you’d enjoy a peek at the gamelan players at the village festival we attended in Bali. It was a joy to see the orchestra members up close, and to witness our teacher dancing to their music. The surprise was when our teacher called us up to dance … which caught us completely off guard! The raucous laughter of the villagers witnessing our good faith attempts was a true gift. We are all family!
Next: I’m off to Michigan for some family time in our own traditions. Enjoy your summer and happy dancing!
Betsey Beckman, MM
PS … Wanna come dance with me over Labor Day weekend? I’ll be attending InterPlay Summer Camp. You can too!