Dancing Into the Divine


Well, it’s summer, and now what? How do we dance our way through Coronavirus, racism, protests, Black Lives Matter, staying home, going out, wearing masks, not going to church, limited travel, and living in the unknown ? To top it all off, there have been some recent sexual allegations in my extended church community that have caused a huge upheaval among many. My heart is in shock and broken open. So many of the aspects of life and community that I relied upon are upside down, spilled out, empty, shaken. It seems that the shadows of our lives are being exposed. The jig is up. 

As I stare at what is broken, I also see the stirrings of a new birth. I see racism being addressed from our pulpits, white allyship rallying in the streets, I see the survivors of sexual abuse finding a voice and finding support, and I see the accused beginning to take the first small steps towards truth and repentance. 

It is a powerful time of falling apart and a new awareness awakening. I am in anguish and I am in awe. 

These times cry out for practices that help us see, feel, reflect, express. So, I’d like to share a short video by my close friend, Soyinka Rahim. A few years back, I produced a CD of her music called  BIBO LOVE  (which is Soyinka’s phrase calling us to ” Breathe In, Breathe Out Love. “) In the video below, she invites us to explore the interconnection of all beings in the Divine expression of LOVE . Feel free to join her in the dance!

Opportunity: If you’d like to take one more step, video yourself joining in the song and dance, then send me the video by July 13th. It will become a part of our multi-cultural video collage celebrating the Divine in all of us! ( Soyinka is also available for leading online workshops — in case you are looking for a guest in your upcoming online programming or worship!)

The feast of Pentecost celebrates the awesome experience of the Holy Spirit descending onto the disciples who are all behind locked doors. The Spirit imbues them with new gifts, energy, courage to go forth to share the Good News! The Spirit seems to be working in the breakdowns and breakthroughs that are moving in our world just now. May the story below, created with our Movement Ministry kids from St. Patrick, inspire you to move in the creative ways that the Spirit is calling you! 

Stay healthy. Sending prayers for all of you to make a difference in your world!

Blessings and love!


Betsey Beckman, MM

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